Book- Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich dad poor dad
Robert Kiyosaki, author of this book, had two fathers. He had a father who was a educated, PhD holder but remained poor throughout his life and died in poverty. That's why Robert called them Poor Dad. At the same time, his other fathers were not very educated but were very rich. He was called Robert Rich Dad. Now it is a matter of thinking how any human being can have two fathers at the same time.
His poor father had only one dream that Robert, after studying hard, would secure his future by working in a big company. But Robert's other father, who was rich, was actually the father of Mike, Robert's friend. They wanted Robert to have some challenge in their lives. Because all the lessons are not learned only in school.
There are some lessons that a person learns from the experience of his life. Schooling can only lead to good grades, but the study of life teaches a lot. Of course, education and learning is important, but nothing can be achieved only by sitting on it. 

Rich people do not work for money.

 Once upon a time there was a man who had a donkey. Whenever he had to do some hard work with his donkey, he used to hang a carrot in front of him. On seeing that carrot, the donkey used to work in the temptation of eating it. He hoped that one day he would reach that carrot. Now it became a good idea for the man but the poor donkey could never get that carrot. Why? Because that carrot is just a smokescreen. Many people are just like that donkey. They go on working hard, hoping that one day they will become rich. But money remains just a dream for them.
By running after this dream, you can never pay for it. So instead of juicing for money, let the pe work for you. When you want to get rich, do not work just to earn money. Because as soon as we step in the path of becoming rich, our fear and greed starts dominating us so that we do not remain poor to poor. Due to this fear, we start working more hard. Then our greed starts dominating us.

We start imagining all the beautiful things that can be achieved with money. Now this fear and greed confuse us in such an affair that never ends. So we work harder now to earn more and then our expenditure also starts increasing accordingly. This is called rich dead rate race. Now the result of this is that we work extravagantly to earn money, spend more. This is a trap. And you have to avoid this trap of greed and fear. Because most of us who want to get rich, fall for this trap. Do not run after money, but make money to run after you. If you have a job, do not go to work thinking that you have to take a paycheck every month. Because that pay-check hardly fills all your bills. It becomes the story of every month. After getting fed up, you start working hard by finding a good job. But even then you are working only for money. And that's why you never get rich.

About The Author

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Toru Kiyosaki (born April 8, 1947) is an American businessman and author. Kiyosaki is the founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company, a private financial education company that provides personal finance and business education to people through books and videos. The company's main revenues come from franchisees of the Rich Dad seminars that are conducted by independent individuals using Kiyosaki's brand name for a fee. He is also the creator of the Cashflow board and software games to educate adults and children about business and financial concepts.


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