Book- How to Stop Worrying And Start Living

How to stop worrying and start living

1. What will we learn from this book?

 The goal of this book is to make the readers more enjoyable and Helping to live fullfilling life. Them on their own Making people more aware of nearby people In order to see life from a different point of view Get used to it. We often get scared about small things And you are worried about the future but this book will give you Will teach you to be happy in the present.

2. Who should read this book? 

This book should be read by every person who in his life Wants happiness and fulfillment. Those who fear cretism They are afraid to take action once they read this book needed.

Book's Summary 

Lesson 1.Stop Worrying About the Past or the Future

To learn the most from this classic, read the core principles. Then, consider how to use them. After that, apply them whenever there’s a chance. Keep a journal telling where and when you used them.

Most importantly, analyze the progress regularly. Think of ways to improve how you use these principles. Some core precepts which will help you stop worrying are:

Put the past in the past and focus on the present: Most times when you’re worried, you think of the past. And then, you blame yourself for things that went wrong. But, if you can apply this principle, you may remove many tensions. Like writer Thomas Carlyle said, “Don’t see what’s present dimly at some distance. Rather, do what’s there in your hand.”

Do not become anxious about the future: Another cause of worry is thinking of the future. Yes, it’s crucial to plan for the future. But, don’t get anxious about it. Understand that good thinking does cause and effect analysis. And, then it results in logical and positive planning.

Focus on what you can do in the present. To stop worrying about the future or past, start living in today. Remember, today is the most valuable thing. It’s our only guaranteed possession.

Think of the worst that may happen. And, then get ready for that. Another way of avoiding worrying is analyzing the situation. Then, see what’s the worst thing that may happen. After that, prepare yourself to accept the situation. At the same time, divert your energy and time to improve the worst. And, this worst you’ve already agreed in your mind. This is a useful approach as it releases energy from the mind. Hence, when you embrace the worst, there’s nothing else to lose. This means there’s only to gain now. Such thought will keep you relaxed. Hence, do all that you can to improve the situation. Then move on.

Lesson 2: Put a stop-loss on the things in your life that cause you stress, grief and anxiety.

One thing that’s crucial when applying the above strategy is timing. If you spend all of your time analyzing the facts and trying to make a decision, until the thing you’re worried about actually happens, you won’t have won much.

That’s where a time limit can help. To implement this, you can adapt an idea from trading and investing: the stop-loss. A stop-loss is used to limit your financial downside. For example, if you buy 200 stocks for $10 and set your stop-loss at $8, your trading software will automatically sell all of your stocks if they fall to $8 or below, ensuring your maximum total loss is capped at $400 ($2*200).

If something causes you stress, grief or anxiety, like a friend picking a fight over a stupid topic, a relationship falling apart or your boss telling you you did a bad job, put your foot down and set a limit. Say “this far, and not one step further, am I going to allow myself to worry about this.”

This can be a time-limit or a general rule, like Hal Elrod’s 5-minute rule or a guideline to forgive others instantly after a fight, instead of holding grudges.

Lesson 3: Think of criticism as compliments, instead of obsessing about negative feedback.

Critical thinking is important. Feedbackis an essential part of doing great work. However, not all criticism is constructive. You have to be careful in deciding who to listen to, and who to ignore.

One thing you can do with all criticism though, is take it as a compliment. 90% of the time, people throw around their opinions to make them feel better about themselves, because they see you doing something right and are threatened by it. We always critique those we envy, so we can feel better by comparison, not so they can do a better job.

If anything, the more you’re being criticized, the more you know you’re doing something right.

So hear their comments, nod, thank them, take it as indication you’re on the right track, and if there’s no constructive feedback in it, just move on.


Worrying can have a serious impact on our physical and mental health. In How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie encourages us to face our worry heads-on. He puts forth a series of strategies that can help us do exactly that.

By nurturing a strong and positive mental attitude, you can fight your anxiety, and find the courage to carry on in an unsure world and live every day to its fullest.

And with that, we will soon conclude this summary of “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”. Before we leave you, let us share some of our favorite quotes from the book with you:

About the Author 

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie (November 24, 1888 – November 1, 1955) was an American writer and lecturer, and the developer of courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Born into poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936), a bestseller that remains popular today. He also wrote How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948), Lincoln the Unknown (1932), and several other books.

Book Review 

Goodreads- 4.1/5

Flipkart- 4.4/5

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