
Book- Attitude is Everything

  In Attitude Is Everything, Keith offers an enlightening, inspiring, and practical guide for gaining control of your career and your life by ridding yourself of negative attitudinal baggage, building positive attitudes, and then turning them into actions to help you achieve your dreams. His Ten Steps For Turning Attitude Into Action: 1. Understand the Power of Attitude 2. Take Control of Your Life 3. Practice Self-Awareness 4. Re-Frame Your Bad Attitude 5. Find Your Purpose and Passion 6. Be Pre-Active 7. Discover How to Motivate Yourself 8. Build Supportive Relationships 9. See Change as an Opportunity 10. Leave a Lasting Legacy Start building a strong positive belief system by: 1. building a positive attitude — think positive, speak positive 2. having like-minded positive people around 3. ACT in the direction of your goal, take small but concrete steps with a positive mindset. Boo k Summary   1. Success Begins in Mind Your mind is like a filter, whatever you s

Book- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

What Is the Book About? The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a self-help book by Robin Sharma, a writer, and motivational speaker.  This book isn’t about not having nice stuff, it’s about choosing a vocation or a purpose in life that 1) Is able to fulfill you in many ways.  2) Provide a deeply meaningful purpose from a place of contribution to others.  3) Allow you to afford to live the lifestyle that you want. Key lessons from this book   1.Imaging one self as the person they want to be is the most powerful thing,just take out some minutes in your day to think of the quality you want to have and imagine yourself having that quality. 2.Recite mantras - mantras are basically collection of words and they affect us a lot,like if i want to be brave i have to say i am brave 200 -300 times like that.This can be done along with picturing yourself becoming what you wish for. 3.Always wake up very early ,have an awesome sleep , the 10 min before you sleep and after you wake up are very importan

Book- The power of your Subconscious Mind

The function of your subconscious mindis to store and retrieve data. Its job is to ensure that you respond exactly the way you are programmed. Your subconscious mind makes everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept. This is your “Master Program.” The book tells you how your own subconscious thoughts shape your life, your environment, and most importantly, YOU. Dr. Murphy combines scientific research and spiritual wisdom to explain how your subconscious mind influences every single aspects of life. He cites examples, some of his own experiences to prove how the mind works. He quotes various techniques like the thank you technique, tells you how to attract the money you need, wonders of sleep and many more such interesting ideas. It will help you to have a positive outlook towards life in general. It will teach you how to control your haywire thought processes and all the hogwash you think which is unnecessary. Book Summary   Lesson 1: Visualization

Book- Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

       What is ikigai ? Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being". The word refers to having a direction or purpose in life, that which makes one's life worthwhile, and towards which an individual takes spontaneous and willing actions giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life. Why ikigai is important ? There are some places in the world where people live longer, on average, than in the rest of the world. Author Dan Buettner researched these regions and dubbed them the ‘Blue zones‘. Japan, and the island Okinawain particular, are such a region. A factor that plays an important role in the health and vitality of the residents of Okinawa is to have ‘a goal’ in their lives: ‘ikigai‘. So in addition to eating habits and living environment, this Japanese concept plays a major role in ageing healthily. Because your ‘ikigai’ makes it possible to keep looking towards the future, even when you are going through a difficult time. Dan Buettner

Book- How to Stop Worrying And Start Living

1. What will we learn from this book?  The goal of this book is to make the readers more enjoyable and Helping to live fullfilling life. Them on their own Making people more aware of nearby people In order to see life from a different point of view Get used to it. We often get scared about small things And you are worried about the future but this book will give you Will teach you to be happy in the present. 2. Who should read this book?  This book should be read by every person who in his life Wants happiness and fulfillment. Those who fear cretism They are afraid to take action once they read this book needed. Book's Summary   Lesson 1.Stop Worrying About the Past or the Future To learn the most from this classic, read the core principles. Then, consider how to use them. After that, apply them whenever there’s a chance. Keep a journal telling where and when you used them. Most importantly, analyze the progress regularly. Think of ways to improve how you use these principles.

Book- Becoming by Michelle Obama

Becoming is the memoir of former United States first lady Michelle Obama published in 2018. Described by the author as a deeply personal experience, the book talks about her roots and how she found her voice, as well as her time in the White House, her public health campaign, and her role as a mother.The book is published by Crown and was released in 24 languages. One million copies were donated to First Book, an American nonprofit organization which provides books to children. Why you should read this book 1. It’s inspirational. Period. 2. It feels like you’re talking to a close friend about her life story over tea. 3.Lessons in Parenting 4.Tips on a Successful Relationship 5. Story of Hope       Book Summary   Becoming is a memoir by former First Lady Michelle Obama. It offers insight into her childhood in Chicago, journey through college and law school, marriage to Barack Obama, and time in the White House. Michelle grew up in a loving family and was an intelligent and driven stud

Book- The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck

Book's Main Idea Finding something important and meaningful in your life is the most productive use of your time and energy. This is true because every life has problems associated with it and finding meaning in your life will help you sustain the effort needed to overcome the particular problems you face. Thus, we can say that the key to living a good life is not giving a fuck about more things, but rather, giving a fuck only about the things that align with your personal values. Conventional self-help advice focuses on what you’re NOT. Further, it zeros in on what you perceive your personal shortcomings and failures to already be, and highlights them for you.The key to a good life is not giving a f*ck about more; it’s giving a fuck about less, giving a fuck about only what is true and immediate and important.When you feel angry about feeling angry or anxious about feeling anxious, you’re stuck in what Manson calls, “The Feedback Loop from Hell.”However, by not giving a f*ck tha

Book- The Alchemist

Questions to ask yourself while reading “The Alchemist”  Feel free to incorporate these thought starters into your Summer Reading summaries: 1 – Where did you think the treasure was while you were reading? Did you think it existed? Would you follow visions and innuendos form others to find your “treasure”? 2 – Did you like the style of writing? Why or why not? Did you like the line between reality and the supernatural? 3 – Did you notice the circular theme? Santiago ended up where he started o find the treasure? Do you think he will return to Fatima and complete another circle? Book Summary   The Alchemist tells the story of a young shepherd named Santiago who is able to find a reserve within his natural dreams. Along the way, he learns to listen to his heart and, more importantly, realizes that his dreams, or his Personal Traditional, are not just his but part of the Genius of the Universe. Santiago is a gentle shepherd whose desires are few–he wants to be free to ramble with

Book- How To Win Friends And Influence People

If you want better work and personal relationships, If you want to manage people effectively If you want more and more people If you like, you should read this book. Dale Carnegie Why Classic is full of lessons that you can Can apply in There are many lists that you can use As a manager, as a leader, as a friend Can do as a life partner. Part 1: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People Principle 1: Don’t criticize, condemn or complain. Principle 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation. Principle 3: Arouse in the other person an eager want Part 2: Six Ways to Make People Like You Principle 1: Become genuinely interested in other people. Principle 2: Smile. Principle 3: Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Principle 4: Be a good listener. Principle 5: Talk in terms of the other person’s interests. Principle 6: Make the other person feel important—and do it sincerely Part 3: How to Win People to Your Way of Thin

Book - The 7 habits of highly effective people.

INTRODUCTION   What is a highly effective person? A highly effective person is someone who has a good character. He is someone who has strong values. Have you experienced being in conflict with a relative or a workmate? Before trying to change others, you must start with yourself. Do you think you have qualities that you can improve? A highly effective person is also someone who has good relationship with other people. He maintains harmony with his family, relatives, friends, neighbors' and workmates. This good relationship can last for a long time. By reading this book, you will learn how to be highly effective. Whatever your job is, you will learn from this book. If you are a parent, you can learn something to have a better relationship with your child. If you are a boss, you can learn a few tips on how to be a better leader. When you have a good character, people would want to be near you. That is what makes "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" an International